Solemn is an international jazz quartet. Cinematic and melancholic, Solemn builds its sound on lyrical melodies and strong harmonies evolving on long and unusual structures.

Alexandre Cahen  – piano, composition
Patrick Joray – tenor saxophone 
Tobias Melcher – upright bass
Marton Juhasz – drums


Monde(s) is a free improvised duo project. The musicians challenge their instruments to find new constellations of cosmic soundscapes. Inspired by electro acoustic music (Parmegianni, Schaeffer, Marchetti…), the duo offers a contemplative experience.

Alexandre Cahen  – prepared piano
Martin Theurillat – electric guitar


Axis of resonance is a free improvised duo project. Jordi Pallares Barbera and Alexandre Cahen develop a space of interaction where simple piano melodies coexist with metallic grumbles, bells tinkling, repetitive patterns and avalanches of notes. 
Through their instruments, the players produce a sound of wood and metal, that can be tender or torn apart.

Alexandre Cahen  – piano
Jordi Pallares Barbera – prepared drums


Exploring the world of vocal-piano music, Basel based Slovenian vocalist Patricija Skof ans French pianist Alexandre Cahen are taking their songs as a playground for improvisation and experimentation. Offering a contemplative atmosphere created through originals and arrangements of the music they both love. The intimate instrumentation elevates the words and emphasizes storytelling.

Alexandre Cahen  – piano
Patricija Skof – voice

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